Post Nuclear Family – This is the reunion site for the Post Nuclear Family. Mutants are welcome.

oo_The Truck_oo

29.07.2015 (12:01 pm) – Filed under: camp
   -> |.bikes & shit...|
  ->  |.....shade......|\__
    ->|.water...tents......| ---> )'(
 ->  [__(O)______(O)_______]  

Who’s planning on putting stuff on the truck? <- and please do! It’s for our camp to use!

Transport their tents, water, shade structures, hexyurts, bikes, food, NOT DRUGS, costumes, etc. in our rental 20’ diesel truck! If you have any oversized items, or want to maximize carpoolability, let me know!

The rental cost for one truck comes to $2300, gas will be roughly $800, cleaning fee another $150, and we pay for that with voluntary anonymous donations. Donate what you like, but figure maybe $50 to send a bike or something, $100 for “some crap”, $200 for lots of shit, $400 for “holy fuck!”, etc. If you don’t have money to donate, the truck is still available: it’s going anyway and it’s all for us!

We will also need help loading, unloading, re-loading, and re-unloading! Load days are a great time to reconnect with the family and help make our camp rad! (Sunday, August 23rd)

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